Sunday 8 December 2013

Trailer Review: Noah(2014)

Noah is yet another apocalypse themed movie releasing in the first quarter of 2014. Based on the Biblical account of Noah and his Ark, the movie stars Russel Crowe as Noah, Jennifer Connelly as his wife Naameh, Anthony Hopkins as Noah father Methuselah.  The film also stars Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Sami Gayle and Doughlas Booth. The trailer starts with Noah dreaming of apocalyptic earth. He tells his wife that the world is gonna end and that he needs to build a vessel to protect the innocent as instructed by God. The acting by the cast looks pretty good. The special effects depicting the flooding and the migration of animals, birds, snakes and everything is pretty good. The voice of Russel Crowe in the trailer for some reason greatly reminded me of the tone he used for Joe-El in the movie Man of Steel.
With a great set of actors and good special effects lets hope the movie lives up or say succeeds to biblical proportions.  

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